THPRD Inclement Weather Policy

Please remember, safety first for all the kids.

All coaches, referees, and families should review the THPRD Field Conditions & Closures policy.

In the event of inclement weather, fields may need to be closed. Fields closed by THPRD may not be used for any soccer practice or game.

Fields not closed by THPRD may still be found unplayable. Officials and coaches should use the inclement weather policy and good judgment to determine field playability even if THPRD has not closed the field.

Do not use a field under the conditions listed. THJSL recognizes teams want to train. Do not jeopardize long term field usage for short term gain. It is not worth risking injury to players. Playing in poor conditions will result in significant and/or lasting damage that is time-consuming to repair and can jeopardize future use of that field.

At games, both of the teams' coaches and the referee(s) must review the field conditions together to determine if the field is playable and the game can proceed. If there is any disagreement, the referee will make the final decision (likely with the help of the Referee Coordinator). For practices, each coach can determine field conditions for their team.

If it is recognized that fields are saturated and may pose risk to players please use the inclement weather policy and common sense.

Contact THPRD with weather related field playability concerns and/or submit a Field Conditions Report Form.