THJSL Weather Policy - Practices and games

Due to the possibility of extreme weather conditions, practices/games may be postponed or cancelled. There is no guarantee that practices/games will be made up. Extreme weather conditions are a risk for outdoor sports programs and can happen anytime of year.


THPRD Inclement Weather Policy

THPRD Inclement Weather Policy

Please remember, safety first for all the kids.

All coaches, referees, and families should review the THPRD Field Conditions & Closures policy.

In the event of inclement weather, fields may need to be closed. Fields closed by THPRD may not be used for any soccer practice or game.

Fields not closed by THPRD may still be found unplayable. Officials and coaches should use the inclement weather policy and good judgment to determine field playability even if THPRD has not closed the field.

Do not use a field under the conditions listed. THJSL recognizes teams want to train. Do not jeopardize long term field usage for short term gain. It is not worth risking injury to players. Playing in poor conditions will result in significant and/or lasting damage that is time-consuming to repair and can jeopardize future use of that field.

At games, both of the teams' coaches and the referee(s) must review the field conditions together to determine if the field is playable and the game can proceed. If there is any disagreement, the referee will make the final decision (likely with the help of the Referee Coordinator). For practices, each coach can determine field conditions for their team.

If it is recognized that fields are saturated and may pose risk to players please use the inclement weather policy and common sense.

Contact THPRD with weather related field playability concerns and/or submit a Field Conditions Report Form.


Thunder/Lightning Policy for Practices/Games

Thunder/Lightning Policy for Practices/Games

Per the league referee coordinator and interpreter of league rule:

This is based on the outline from FIFA. There is a "Lightning + Thunder" component. It's called the "30-30" Rule:

You see the lightning. Start counting time. If the thunder is heard within 30 seconds, suspend the Game (Practice) for a minimum of 30 minutes. Send everyone to shelter. (NOT under the trees!) If there are subsequent occurrences of "lightning-with-thunder-within-30-seconds" then the 30-minute "timer" is reset.

So, 30-30 rule seems to make the most sense. Better safe than sorry.

USSF Rules

Minimum Delay 30 Minutes - game terminated after 45 minute delay

Example #1 - Lightning is first observed at 2:00 PM, and continues intermittently for several minutes... the last lightning strike is observed at 2:15. This game should be terminated upon seeing the lightning strike at 2:15 (because after you wait 30 minutes after 2:15, the total accumulated stoppage time will be 45 minutes).

Example #2 - Lightning is first observed at 2:00 PM. No further lightning is observed. You resume play 30 minutes later (at 2:30). If at ANY time you observe lightning again, this game should be terminated IMMEDIATELY (because after you wait another 30 minutes, the total accumulated stoppage time will exceed 45 minutes).

Referee Info/General Information

+ Lightning is one of America's biggest weather killers.
+ Lightning is must NOT be ignored.
+ The safety of the players is always your PRIMARY concern.
+ "Lightning" is now defined as VISIBLE LIGHTNING, including ANY kind of lightning and/or THUNDER.
When you see lightning or hear thunder:
1. Regardless of how far away it may seem, your responsibility as a referee is to STOP the game immediately.
2. Advise players and team personnel to seek shelter.
3. Tell them they may not return to the field without your approval.
4. Note the time you stopped play. If they refuse to seek shelter, or they return to the field without your approval, submit a detailed Game Report.


Heat and Air Quality Advisory

Heat and Air Quality Advisory

Heat and Air Quality (AQI) Advisory

For Heat Index, Please refer to

If the hits 100°+, all practices and games will be cancelled. Coach and Referee (games) discretion may occur when index is between 90-100°.  If there is a belief that there is a danger to players, error on the side of caution rather than push the matter.

Referee to add extra water breaks as needed. 

For Air Quality (AQI), Please refer to

If the Air Quality (AQI) hits 100+, all practices and games will be cancelled due to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups. Between 50-99 is Moderate and acceptable AQI for outdoor events but please review the link data for detail information as some individuals maybe unusually sensitive to air pollution